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Sisteme Klaus Multiparking în Orhideea Gardens



Real estate developers: Klaus Multiparking Systems are the most efficient

The Orhideea Gardens Residential Building, one of the most elegant in Bucharest, has been using Klaus Multiparking systems for more than 13 years. "They are the best!", the developer Daniel Pițurlea, the "father" of Orhideea Gardens, told us bluntly.

In 2009, the Orhideea Gardens Residential complex, located right in the heart of Bucharest, was built according to the most modern and safe design standards. Among other things, at that time the developer Daniel Pițurlea chose to equip the complex with the most modern and safe parking systems. The choice was a natural one: KlausMultiparking Systems.

Developer Daniel Pițurlea: "They exceeded all my expectations"

The Orhideea Gardens complex is served by 450 underground parking spaces, of which over 300 are from Klaus. Since then, more than 13 years have passed, and the parking lots at Klaus work as they did on the first day.

"Klaus Multiparking Systems parking systems of the Orhideea Gardens complex have been in operation since 2009 and are still working flawlessly. I confess, far beyond expectations. Customers are equally happy. We continue to manage the complex and I, personally, have never received a complaint in 13 years regarding the Klaus parking lots. Maintenance is also handled by the Klaus company, they periodically carry out verification work. These automated installations are subject to ISCIR authorization. Periodic revisions are made, because the automated parking systems have a lot of sensors for the safety of the users. In 13 years, we haven't had any incidents", explained for the Cetățeanul newspaper, the real estate developer Daniel Pițurlea, the one who built Orhideea Gardens 13 years ago.

If they are good for the Germans, they are also good for the Romanians
The businessman explained how and why he chose automated parking systems from Klaus.

"In 2005, when we started designing Orhideea Gardens, we thought of using parking systems from Klaus, because they are the best in the world. I knew them because I had been to Germany and other western countries and seen them there. I said that if they are good for the Germans, they must also be good for us. On top of that, at the time, their systems were at the same price as the others on the market, so it was also advantageous from an economic point of view", testified Daniel Pițurlea.

The developer chose two Klaus parking models for the Orhideea Gardens residential complex – some with overlapping spaces, where the bottom row slides left and right so that the top row can go down, and others that use a platform, with two rows of seats, one behind the other – the platform slides and allows the exit of the cars parked at the back.

"With these systems we save a lot of space. I have also recommended other customers to get Klaus parking systems, because they are very reliable. If it's been working here for 13 years without any problems... As I see it, it's going to work even longer," said developer Daniel Pițurlea.

Klaus intelligent parking systems. The future is based on tradition
Since 1907, when Klaus established a wheel manufacturing and repair workshop, the company's activity has been characterized by intelligent technical solutions.

During the first 50 years, Klaus produced various components for the automotive industry.

In 1964, the first parking system produced by Klaus entered the market. In just 9 years, in 1973, Klaus became one of the leading manufacturers of parking systems worldwide.

Facing various challenges, Klaus managed to maintain and bring new innovations to the market, which are based on flexibility, new ideas and above all on maintaining the quality of his products without making any compromises.

In 1988 Klaus launched the new space-saving system "Automatic Parking", which immediately conquered the world market.

In 1993, Klaus introduced the "Full Automate" systems to the market, systems that store machines using a software program controlled by a computer. Klaus constantly continues, even today, to research and develop new technologies and add innovative features to parking systems. In this way, the German company provides its customers with advanced and modern solutions.

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